We look for the re-conection among all human race to the universe, ancient teachings and civilizations, extraterrestrial knowledge and contact with divine beings, all galaxies and universes are all conected in just one single thing called unified mind, the elder of days.


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martes, 10 de mayo de 2016


In July 1947, the radar at the Four Corners area in the southwestern United States affected and took down an alien disk. It was entirely by accident.

(As a result of the electromagnetic beams -- upon which the radar system was based -- interfering with the EM systems of the craft. - Branton).

The disk landed near Roswell, New Mexico. It was to be the first of two disks that would crash in that area. On board, scientists and military personnel found several dead aliens beings. An immediate analysis of their species could not be determined, but the aliens [referred to as the EBAN] had both reptilian and insect-like qualities. Also on board were found the remains of several military personnel. As far as we knew, this was the first major indication that human beings were being taken by an alien species...

In December 1988, former Navy intelligence officer William Cooper interviewed a man who said, "I don't know everything, but it's way out of our of control. To tell you the truth, I'm afraid of what's going to happen. Giant underground shelters are being built under Groom Lake and in other places."

In reference to the claim by some that these aliens are 'harvesting' humans on planet earth for their genetic, bioplasmic and secretional properties, Valerian states:
"There is no doubt that the government policy of secrecy makes the 'harvests' easier for the Greys. Governments, by definition, are supposed to protect the public welfare. Obviously, something went very wrong here, and it appears that THE NAZI SS INTELLIGENCE-BASED CIA HAD A LOT TO DO WITH IT...

(Note: The CIA was reputedly established by Bavarian Illuminati representative Allen Dulles in collaboration with Bavarian Thule Society representative Nazi S.S. General Reinhard Gehlen. The CIA/NSA, working on behalf of the corporate socialists in America who according to Antony Sutton and other economists financed the Bolshevik and Nazi revolutions, in turn infiltrated the Industrial-Military system and in turn the largely unelected/appointed EXECUTIVE branch of the U.S. government via their coup d'etat of the Executive branch which occurred simultaneously with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Since Kennedy's death, most if not all of the U.S. Presidents have been members of global financial organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bildebergers... all of which do NOT honor American's Declaration of Independence but instead advocate a "New World Order" to be implemented with the assistance of a United Nations military force. - Branton)

"These malevolent aliens have allied themselves with the secret world government whose thirst for power and system survival is probably only unequaled by the malevolent aliens themselves... The malevolent aliens have given advanced technology to the 'government', manipulated, lied to, deceived, and generally used our secret government for their selfish and inhumane alien ends."


* The United States [Executive branch, not the Congressional branch of government] made one or more agreements with a species described as the tall Greys, and has agreed not to interfere with alien operational plans in trade for technology. Agreements made in 1934, [1954], 1964, and 1972...

* The Grey clones are...performing biological work which necessitates the termination of various species on the surface of the Earth, which is not governed or protected under the treaty made with the US 'government'. Underground installations are the only 'sovereign' areas under the treaty...
just a creepy possibility lol

* Researchers will recall that the disk that crashed in 1947 at Roswell, New Mexico had several reptilian species on board, as well as the body parts and clothing of several Army-Air Force officers...

* Species objectives appear to be founded on a rigid domination survival-based social order, where their 'religion' is science, their social structure is geared to obedience and duty, their military concepts are grouped around conquest, colonization, and domination through covert mind-control programs... Their basic 'game' appears to be to use nullification and domination to control the leaders of various targeted civilizations. They accomplish this by taking out the leaders and replacing them with entities they can control... The function of the 'elite' humans, as far as the Greys are concerned, are to decimate portions of the human population so that the remainder can be easily controlled. Hitler is a prime example...


One by-product of their social memory complex is that any kind of decision takes a while to make, since none of the [Grey] clones seem to have the innate ability to act independently of the other cloned species. This social structure has no room for 'surprises', and the "best laid plans of mice and man" can be totally wrecked if it comes into contact with anything outside its operational context. The tall Greys seem to be less prone to the frailties of the system than do the smaller Greys...


The Earth is somewhat unique in that it has a broad spectrum of beings of several density levels and race-types. It is inhabited inside, outside, and in the atmosphere in thousands of hidden little pockets and time-stream projections.

The process of conquering a planet involves [the] location of beings that vibrate in resonance with their vibrational frequency. These located beings are then told that they are the Elite or Chosen Ones who will conquer and lead the human race and rule the world for their Grey masters. Often the located beings are physically taken aboard craft and given physical examinations, provided with implants, given accelerated data through inculcation methods that will help them serve the Greys.

The function of an Elite is to decimate portions of its own race in an effort to reduce populations to manageable limits so the remainder can be easily controlled. The Nazi-Jew scenario is a good example of the Grey modus operandi. They also controlled the Japanese Empire and are generally responsible for most aggression between human groupings on the planet
(The Greys use "divide and conquer" tactics... although it should be mentioned that since W.W.II and the cessation of the alliance with Bavaria, the Japanese have been interacting more and more with the Koldasians, a relatively benevolent humanoid race that reportedly inhabits the alternate "antimatter universe", and who apparently maintain close ties with the Andro-Pleiadean Federation. - Branton).

Humans have generally been deceived into playing victim-games of negativity, self-limitation, self-denigration and destruction. The games that the Greys are trying to enforce are games of coversion and secrets, as well as hidden standards.

All activities are conducted on a "playing field" which is limited by the attention span and the scope of awareness of the Players.


[Include] colonization of unprotected civilizations which are unaligned with any other group in space. They use planets for supply depots, slave sources, and biological materials. The exercise of domination and the enslavement of planetary populations is expressed as Service-to-Self [as opposed to Service-to-Others]. It creates power for their group, but inherent in this process is a rapid dissipation of power in that civilization, due to the limitations imposed by the games of limitation and negativity enforced on the popularity.

According to what research has revealed, there are certain methods and plans that have underscored the literal invasion of Earth by various Orion based species. Typical scenarios might be:
The target planet is time-tabled for invasion.

The base station is moved within range.

(disguised as asteroids, planetoids, or comets but recognized as alien craft by minor course alterations that can and have been detected, for instance in regards to the asteroid Geographos, Phobos, Hale-Bopp, etc. - Branton)...

Leaders are approached with population control programs or solutions to survival-related problems. Leaders are convinced that they represent "an Elite" group that has been chosen "by God" to rule the populace for the good of God's empire.
(in many cases however, the elite do not believe in any 'god' other than themselves. - Branton).
Look at any theocratic [or religiocratic] country on Earth and you can see this...


In accordance with "service to self" philosophy, goals are sought that will achieve more power for the 'elite' or ruling class; it is important that more and more slaves be made, so that the psychic energy can be drawn off to feed the madness of the "power elite". Domination and nullification is the basis of the game of struggle and conquest. It is a stable datum to negative Orion-based groups that empires can only be built and maintained on the backs of broken "game-pieces", and oiled by the blood, sweat, and tears of "worthless entities too decayed to be useful for any other tasks" and too rebellious to trust in more cooperative ventures..


Abduction is not necessarily an experience that one undergoes alone. In fact, one study shows that in 24% of the cases reviewed there were multiple witnesses to the abduction. There was one case in Connecticut where seven people from three different cars were involved in an abduction event.

Another case involves 221 United States Army troops at Fort Ord in 1961. In this case, soldiers were out on exercise when one or more craft descended and abducted them, implanted them and left them dazed on the ground. Some of the troops looked up and saw the disks flying away and vomited, which indicates a programmed response inserted by the aliens.

(Note: This is not the ONLY case of "mass abduction and implantation" of military personnel. Several such events have been reported or hinted at. Often these mass-abductions take place near military facilities where existing "joint-operational" underground facilities exist. In some cases personnel have described the sudden paralyzation of several servicemen or women, and suppressed memories of Greys levitating personnel THROUGH ceilings via some type of dimensional phase-shifting equivalent to Philadelphia Experiment technology, and basically the 'traditional' abduction procedure except on a much larger scale. No doubt this is how the aliens maintain collective mind control of sensitive levels of the military so as to keep these military-industrial personnel under their 'spell', especially if there is a potential 'threat' that the interplanetary technology that the military-industrialists are developing is in danger of being leaked to the public domain. - Branton)

As the troops were coming out of the daze, approximately 600 fresh troops from Fort Ord descended on them and sequestered them and their families for a period of time. This operation involved pre-knowledge on the part of the United States Army -- they already had a plan in hand to use soldiers to sequester other soldiers in case of mass abduction. To come up with 600 men immediately after a mass abduction suggests that things were extremely organized to start with -- remember, this is 1961...

We also have multiple cases of Grey abductees [those abducted by Greys] being contacted by Blonds after long experience with the Greys. They were then protected in some way from influence by the Greys, apparently saved from the Greys by the Blonds, often by implant technology...


In October of 1989, we heard reports that the aliens are training the abductees on weapons and in aircraft, in order to have those abductees actually fight an enemy of the Greys (while in a 'programmed' altered state of conscious, possibly via an induced alternate personality which is connected to the alien collective or hive via psionic implants - Branton) -- possibly the Blonds, sometime in the near future. We do have abductee testimony that indicates such training but not for those reasons. Most of our sources say the abductees will be taken away before the fighting because they are too valuable to be wasted in that manner. One would not think they would need us to fight for them...

(Note: It has been reported that on most planets that they have conquered, the Reptiloids/Greys have depended on the cooperation of powerful and self-serving individuals working within the governmental-intelligence complexes of those cultures, in order to gain access to the eco-political establishment so that mass mind-control agendas could be implemented. It would seem that an all-out overt invasion like the ancient 'Draconian' attack against the Lyran worlds would be carried out as a last resort. Obviously the Greys/Reptiloids have opted for covert warfare so as to limit casualties on their side and also to minimize the destruction of the 'spoil' -- or, the potential mind-slaves and the resources of the targeted culture. A radioactively 'toasted' city or planet is not very useful to meet the 'needs' of the Orionite empire, but they have resorted at times to such destructive methods when all other options have failed.

What they attempt to do is create SLAVE PLANETS which can feed the ever-expanding appetites of the Draconian-Orionite 'collective'. It is said that many of the human colonial worlds within this immediate sector of the galaxy -- 21 or so star systems-- have already fallen to the Orionites through a process of infiltration and conquest. Their assimilation of planet 'earth' is ESSENTIAL so that the warrior-instinct and metagened Terrans do not get out of control and pose a threat to their continued exploitation of these peripheral systems. They have targeted and infiltrated the United States of America because this is where the individualist movement has its strongest base in this sector of the galaxy [as exemplified in the BILL OF RIGHTS, etc.]. The individualist or independence revolution is the deadly foe of the forces of COLLECTIVISM on, within and beyond planet earth. - Branton)

We 'abductees' are the human sacrifice of our times. This would probably be acceptable to the vast majority of us if we could believe that it was for the good of the whole... Our blood has bought you nothing [like medical, technological and other scientific advancements] and it has not saved you or your children from the aliens. It has served only to line the pockets of the select few in the central power group, be they government, financial, religious and/or alien leaders...

I have been told that we all occupy several different 'bodies' all stacked together like nesting boxes -- the physical body surrounded by the etheric 'body' surrounded by the astral 'body' surrounded by the mental 'body', etc.

We also actually have an extra 'body', the emotional 'body', that the aliens don't have. This part of us constantly puts out a kind of energy they can not generate or simulate. This emotional energy [which you are aware of as love, hate, (passion), etc., -- it is really all the same kind of energy at different angles and intensities] is, to them, like a potent, much sought-after drug.

They can take it out of us and bottle it, so to speak, and use it recreationally, scientifically and as a trade item, like money. We constantly generate this energy, storing it within one of our many 'bodies', always keeping a supply "on us." I've been told that it is stored in our etheric body, as a substance, between the small ridges of the etheric field. This energy is also contained within our experiences and memories of experience...


During the process of "soul-shearing", it feels more like something is being taken from within as opposed to from outside the physical body. I know this because we are left conscious for the process'; consciousness intensifies the product. Also during this 'harvesting', Greys will look directly into our eyes, as if they are drinking something or basking in light. This may be why their eyes strike us as so ugly. They're not really ugly, just big, but when we see them, we subconsciously associate them with the horrible feelings of the harvesting.

Abductees will say about Grey eyes, "They seem to look into my soul." I have always considered that description to be basically backwards. The sight or the memory of the sight of Grey eyes brings on a feeling that they are "sucking my soul out of me" [absorbing it into themselves], not looking into my soul. It feels like you are disappearing from existence...
All Sources find them here.


"The Dulce Book" by Branton

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